Halvorsen, Larry


About the artist

"My drive is the creation of the work—the new and undiscovered ideas."

Ancient stone tools, ritual objects, architecture and forms from nature are the inspirations for my sculptures and sculptural vessels. I am attempting to carve out my place as a contemporary object maker. My recent focus has been work for the wall, including grouping and individual pieces and the introduction of a gloss rather than matt surface. In my view this is the transition from lava to obsidian. I use stoneware clay, a traditional craft material. The pieces are constructed using a combination of hand-building techniques. All the pieces are coated with glaze and carved into, a technique call sgraffito. The carving is a result of a lifelong exploration of line and pattern.

Larry Halvorsen is a self-taught potter with almost 30 years experience working with clay. Combining his interests in primitive art, ancient tools, natural forms and lifelong love of pattern, he creates an ever-evolving body of work.

Sample of Artwork

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Coverdale, Garrison


Hayes, Jim